Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Which Church is hosting the Sons of Confederate Veterans Confederate service in Richardson, Texas?

The counter-campaign against the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) 2016 Reunion is started. There is a Facebook page,

There you can find out what is happening in the counter campaign against the SCV.

The SCV is planning on meeting in Richardson, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, TX July 13-16, 2015

This is an article about the racism of the SCV.

What the counter campaign is going to focus on is against churches hosting the SCV.

There is a web page about the whole issue of churches hosting neo-Confederate groups.

And specifically the reunion in Dallas. Richardson is a suburb next to Dallas.


1. Ask your denomination about their stand on hosting neo-Confederate groups. The five leading denominations to do so are: Episcopalian, Roman Catholic, United Methodist Church, Presbyterian USA, and Southern Baptists. Don't presume your denomination wouldn't because unless it is a historically African American denomination it has likely already done so.

2. Join the Facebook counter campaign page.

3. If you are in the Dallas area and a member of a religious group check that it isn't your church. DON'T PRESUME it isn't.

4. Let others know about the campaign.

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